Mrs. Schindler's Mini-Newsletters

January 20-24
Happy Monday!

This week in preschool we will continue on with our winter theme. Last week we started learning how to put on their own coats, they are doing well, we will continue to practice this week. If you want to practice at home here is what we do: lay the coat flat on the ground with the inside facing up, have the child stand with the hood or tag near their toes, then guide them to put their arms through the sleeves, and finally flip the coat over their head to put it on.

Its going to be a cold week, we only go outside if the feels like temperature is above 32 degrees, which I'm not sure we are going to get, but we will have extra games and activities planned.  

I'm looking forward to another fun week!

Kristin Schindler

January 13-16
Happy Sunday!

Lets try this again! I hope everyone had fun playing in the snow last week, I can't wait to hear about their snow adventures. We will do the activities I had planned in last weeks email this week!  

Looking forward to getting back into our routine.

No School 1/20 Martin Luther King Jr Day 

Kristin Schindler
January 6-9
Happy Sunday!

I hope everyone had a very happy healthy Christmas break! I can not wait to hear all about the fun things they did and saw over break! This week we will be sending home a "homework" assignment Signs of Winter. We will also be talking about how to stay warm in cold weather (summer clothes vs winter clothes) and we will be learning to put their own coats on, this is always a favorite activity among the kids and their parents and they usually get it pretty quickly!!

Keep an eye on the weather, our preschool will be closed/delayed if Talbot County Schools are closed or delayed. St Marks will send out emails and post on their facebook page if this happens.  

Please reach out with any questions, I'm so excited to see all my little people again and get back into a routine!

Kristin Schindler

December 16-18
Happy Sunday!

This is our final week of preschool until Christmas break (no school 12/19-1/5). This Wednesday BOTH classes attend (please let me know if you can not make it so I know who to look for). All friends and family are welcomed. After the short show, we will have cookies and juice. There will also be a 2 Year Old tree in the back of the church, 2 ornaments hanging on it (one picture, one handprint) please take these home for your tree!

Please reach out with any questions! I am looking forward to a fun short week with our little friends.

Kristin Schindler

December 9-12

Happy Sunday preschool families!

This week in preschool we will continue on with our Christmas fun! All the kids are getting so excited to tell us about their trees at home, and cookies and all the other fun traditions they are discovering at home! This week we will be practicing for our Big Show that will take place 12/18 at 9:30 in the Sanctuary of the church. Dismissal will be early this day and BOTH CLASSES ATTEND. They are welcome to wear whatever they would like, but a lot of parents like to dress them in their holiday festive attire (Christmas dresses, button down shirts, etc).  

Important dates:

12/16 or 12/17 PJ DAY: wear your Christmas pjs to school, we will go outside so please no nightgowns without tights or leggings.

12/18 Our Christmas Program: Both classes drop off at 9 am then go to the church and grab a seat for the show and wish us luck ❤️ All family/friends are invited.

Christmas Break: 12/19 - returning Monday 1/6

1/20: Closed for Martin Luther King Jr Day

Please reach out with any questions.

Kristin Schindler

December 2-5
Happy Sunday! 

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving break, now buckle up because December is about to fly by! We have so many fun things planned this month, I love Christmas time in the 2s.  

We do go outside everyday if it is not raining and the Feels Like temperature is above 32 degrees. Please send in warm coats and hats.  

Monday 12/16 or Tuesday 12/17 CHRISTMAS PJ DAY! 

WEDNESDAY 12/18 BOTH CLASSES ATTEND SCHOOL. I will have extra helpers with us this day. Drop off will be in our classroom (no car drop off line) then go to the Sanctuary of the church and we will put on a very simple Christmas Program just after 9:15. Cookies
 and refreshment following the show and early dismissal from there.

November 18-21
Happy Sunday!

Looking forward to another fun week of Thanksgiving fun! We have some cute themed crafts to make that will surely bring a smile to everyone at your Thanksgiving table's face!  

No school next week.

Please reach out with any questions, 

Kristin Schindler

November 11-14
Happy Sunday!

I missed all my little friends last week, I was happy to get some family/beach time in (16 of us total), but I'm ready to see everyone at school!

This week will be all about Thanksgiving and Family. We will be sending home a homework assignment Monday and Tuesday to be colored together as a family and sent back to school on Wednesday or Thursday. We will be sharing these in our afternoon circle time so we can see our each of our families are special and different and that's what makes each one of us special! 

No school the week of Thanksgiving
December 18th (its a Wednesday) both classes attend We will have our Christmas program with an early dismissal to start our Christmas break!

Please reach out with any questions

Kristin Schindler

November 4-7
Happy Sunday!

In the spirit of the Waterfowl Festival coming to Easton next weekend, we will also be talking about the local waterfowl, ducks, geese, blue herons, etc. We will be doing different activities using feathers to measure things around our classroom and making a cute Mallard craft.  

Reminder: Mrs Miller will be out of the classroom Monday 
I will be in the classroom Monday morning, but will be leaving around 10/10:30 and will be out the remainder of the week. There will always be 2 teachers in our classroom, this week Ms Heather (music teacher) and Mrs Ewing will be subbing.

No school Tuesday this week.

School closed 11/25-11/28 Thanksgiving break

Please reach out with any questions. 

Kristin Schindler

October 21-24
Happy Sunday!

We have a fun week of festive Halloween fun planned! All the fun stories, songs, and games themed around pumpkins, silly ghosts, and happy witches!

I am going to send out a sign up genius later this week (by Wednesday) to sign up for our optional Fall Conferences, these are in no way mandatory but if you would like to sit down and formally chat one on one please sign up for a time slot in November. Some emails block these sign up genius so please let me know if you haven't received one by Wednesday. 

I am going to go through the extra clothes in their cubbies this week too and sending home the shorts and short sleeved items, please send back warmer options for the Fall.

Reminder: 10/30 or 10/31 Halloween "party" parents, grandparents, etc invited 11:30 (kids can dress in PJS or very simple costumes these days)

Please reach out with any questions

Kristin Schindler

October 14-17
Happy Sunday!

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and enjoyed some Fall festivities!

This week in preschool we will be mixing paint colors, red+yellow to make orange pumpkins for our classroom window! We will also be talking more about Fall and Halloween!  

**October 30th and October 31st we will be having a little Halloween party in our classroom. Send them in very simple costumes (remember to be sure they can still easily use the bathroom and or have their diapers changed quickly and easily (no onsies) OR send them in festive PJS! At 11:30 parents are invited to join us to decorate cookies and read a fun festive book!

Looking forward to a fun week! 

Kristin Schindler

October 7-10
Happy Sunday!

Its a beautiful day out there, if you happen to be outside today with your little one, point out how some of the leaves are starting to fall out of the trees and onto the ground. If they see any really pretty ones, feel free to put them in a Ziplock bag and
 we will include them in our Wednesday/Thursday craft. The focus will be on the season of Fall/Autum and the changing of the leaves!

This week is we also have a special guest coming in and both classes are invited to attend.
Tuesday 10/8 at 9:30 we have a real fireman and a real firetruck coming to St Marks! If my Monday/Wednesday students would like to attend just join us at 9:30 (with an adult) and check out the firetruck with us!

October Focus:






T, S, R, I


4, 5, 6





*Continue to label everything that is sent in 

Thank you,  

Kristin Schindler 

September 23-25
Good morning! 

 along with their snack so they can TASTE it (I use coconut oil and sea salt only). *Please reach out if you don't want us to do the tasting part. 

This week we will be starting Chapel with Ms. Wendy on Monday and Tuesday and will continue music with Ms. Heather on Wednesday and Thursday.  

We will be sharing our "homework" during circle time this week, don't overthink it have fun together! Also please note no school THURSDAY we are moving to our REAL classroom and I couldn't be more excited to get back in our preschool wing of the building!

 Snacks and sippy cups should be labeled with a child's name on them. 

Please reach out to me with any questions! 

Thank you,  

Kristin Schindler 

September 16-19
Good afternoon, 

We had a very good start last week and I am very proud of all our preschool friends. They are All Stars at walking on a rope in a nice straight line and following directions of their teachers as I’m sure “rope walking” is a new concept (whenever we leave the
 room, they must hold onto a color attached to the rope and not let go so we can safely get to our destination).  

This week in school we are going be focusing on our All About Me section. We will be using handheld mirrors to discover all our emotions (making happy faces, sad faces, silly faces etc. Into them) and our physical appearances (we have 2 eyes 1 nose etc.). 

At the end of the week, I will be sending home a blank person for you and your child to decorate together. Have fun with it and get creative. Color it, glue on buttons or uncooked pasta. Put stickers on it or whatever it is you have around your house to
 make the blank person special and unique. Please send back the decorated person next week so we can go over together at circle time.  

September's Monthly Focus: 


C, M, A 


1, 2, 3 





*Snack-please label EVERYTHING from sippy cup to individual bags of food (if not using a lunch box). 

*If clothes came home last week please send in replacements. 

Please reach out to me with any questions big or small at any time. 

-Kristin Schindler 

September 9-12
Good afternoon! 

I really enjoyed meeting everyone at our Meet the Teachers, I am super excited to get our school year started! There are still a few students who need to get their Health and Emergency forms into me, students cannot stay until these forms are in. Also, there
 are still a few who need to turn in $10 so Kathy Miller and I can print out pictures all year long, so whenever you can that would be awesome.  

 Drop off can be off Hayward Ave, we will have that side door open at 8:50. On 9/5 and 9/9 pick up will be at 11:00 instead of 12:00. 

Don’t forget to pack 2-3 items for their snack and a sippy cup of water. WE DO HAVE A KIWI ALLERGY SO PLEASE NO KIWI IN OUR CLASSROOM THIS YEAR. 

If you haven't already, please send in a total change of clothes from shoes and socks up and if needed their diapers.  

Also try to get those pictures in so they can easily find their cubby each morning.  

I am very excited to start this school year!  

Kristin Schindler