Mrs. Tipton's Mini-Newsletters

January 20-23
Good evening! I hope everyone is surviving the cold 🥶. Looks like it’ll be colder tomorrow. No outdoor recess this week. The children had a great time walking on our stepping stones and obstacle course last week. Pictures on our Facebook page. 

More exciting news! We now have 3 fish 🐠 and a snail 🐌!!! The children are really enjoying watching them and feeding the fish is now one of our jobs 🤩

Book orders were sent home Thursday. Please place your orders by this Thursday 1/23 if interested.

We will make a mitten collage and learn about winter birds and migration this week.

L👀king ahead-

Registration for the 2025-26 school year will be Monday, February 3 starting at 8:30 for currently enrolled families. Open registration will be Thursday, February 13-8:30 for new families.

We will pass out valentines February 13. Please decorate a box or bag and send in valentines to pass out to the children. I emailed a class list, please see me if you need another.

Colleen Tipton

January 13-16
Good afternoon!! 
Wow! What a beautiful snow week!❄️☃️❄️
A couple reminders for school-
1) Last names are being added 
2) Christmas show and tell TOMORROW 

We will be inside for the most part of our school days until the snow clears.
We will be cutting out large circles for a snowman tomorrow. We will also make our January handprint, a 2025 picture and letters H - hat with hearts and I- iguana with ink this week.
I imagine you are looking forward to school tomorrow as much as we are.
See you all in the morning!
Colleen Tipton 

January 6-9
Good evening- HAPPY NEW YEAR!🥳

First- NO SCHOOL TOMORROW due to impending snow storm. St Mark’s always follows TCPS weather delays and closures.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and happy new year!

Thank you all for the wonderful gifts you gave to Mrs Lavezzo and I. It certainly was not expected but much appreciated.🎄💗

We will be starting LAST NAMES when school resumes.

We also will have Christmas “ show and tell “ when school resumes.

January will be full of fun learning about snow, arctic animals, birds, snowmen. 

We will cut out circles for snowmen and make a mitten collage this week.

Enjoy the snow tomorrow. We will keep you updated on school schedule for Tuesday. 
Mrs. Tipton

December 16-18
Good morning! I imagine you’re getting ready for the holiday season ahead 🎄🎅🏼🎁🎉

A few reminders:
-We are collecting “brighter Christmas “ money through TUESDAY. The paper will come Tuesday morning to collect and hopefully take our picture for the newspaper. 

-We still need a new, wrapped, gender neutral Christmas book for our book exchange TUESDAY. I have 3 books in right now.

- everyone but 2 children have an extra bag in for their artwork and gifts to go home in TUESDAY, thank you.

- extra winter clothes if you haven’t done so already. I have a dark blue pair of mittens with hearts on them no one has claimed. Please let us know if they belong to your child.

Christmas program:
- no book bags or outside drop offs Wednesday, please drop off your child regular time. Take your child’s coat with you and go to the sanctuary. Program starts at 9:30. All are welcome! Your child will have an ornament on a tree in the gathering area, please take it with you. Reception will follow program.

- Christmas break is Thursday, December 19- Sunday, January 5. Back to School Monday, January 6.

- we will have a Christmas “ show and tell “ January 6. Your child can bring in one of their favorite Christmas presents to show. We will put them away for safe keeping.

- we will also start learning LAST NAMES. They will be out on the table instead of first name. Possibly you can practice over the break 🤗

Mrs. Lavezzo and I truly appreciate all of you and your fabulous children! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season filled with laughter and family!🎅🏼🎄❤️

Merry Christmas 🎄 and happy new year 🎉
Colleen Tipton

December 9-12
Good afternoon! What a beautiful day!

We will be busy from now until the 18th practicing for our Christmas program and making fun Christmas crafts and gifts 🎁 🎄

To date we have collected 37.68. We will keep collecting until December 17. Please consider donating if you haven’t already, thank you.

Remember to purchase a non binary Christmas book and send in wrapped by Tuesday, December 17.

A LOT OF OUR STUDENTS NEED WINTER WEATHER appropriate extra clothes to keep in their cubbies! Please send in ASAP 🥶

We’ll be busy making the GRINCH along with poinsettias, and a Santa picture this week.

All Christmas artwork and gifts will be sent home TUESDAY,DECEMBER 17. You can send in an extra bag anytime.

I hope you all enjoying the Christmas season 🎄🎅🏼
Colleen Tipton 

December 2-5

Good afternoon!! Happy holidays!!🦃🎅🏼

I trust everyone had a wonderful week spent with family and friends.

It’s hard to imagine we have 2 1/2 weeks of school until our Christmas break!🎄

1) family trees due in tomorrow 

2) scholastic book orders due tomorrow 

Festival of trees field trip tomorrow- please pick up your child by 11:45, Outside the side door 

We have not received any donations for the “ brighter Christmas fund”. Please consider sending in a dollar or two, even change adds up 🎅🏼

Please remember to purchase a new, gender neutral Christmas book for our book exchange Tuesday, December 17. Please wrap it. The book can be sent in any time. We will put them under our Christmas tree.

We will certainly be busy working on fun Christmas crafts and learning our Christmas songs for our Christmas program on Wednesday, December 18. We’ll be making Poinsettias, elves, the grinch, Santa, December hand prints, Christmas lights, Christmas at night and a special Christmas gift plus letters H and I between now and the 17th.

Mrs. Lavezzo and I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
‘Tis the season 🎄,
Colleen Tipton

November 18-21
Good afternoon!

I hope you all had a good weekend.

We have been busy learning owl facts and painting our own owls.🦉 we also painted acorns, made scarecrows and painted large sycamore leaves 🍁.

We will make name turkeys, pine cone turkeys and letters F- feathered fish and G- gorilla with green and gold glitter this week.

1) A permission slip was sent home Thursday for the FESTIVAL OF TREES field trip. Pick up 11:45 Monday, December 2. Field trip 12-1:00. Location is the Tidewater inn, downtown Easton. Any questions please ask.
2) Please send in a large bag WEDNESDAY for your child’s artwork to go home Thursday.
3) NO SCHOOL MONDAY NOVEMBER 25- 28 Thanksgiving break.🦃
4) Please look for a pair of MITTENS to bring to school. 120 fingers are a lot for Mrs Lavezzo and I to try and put into gloves. Gloves are okay IF your child can put them on themselves. Thank you for your support.
5) CHRISTMAS BOOK EXCHANGE- Our four’s class will have a Christmas book exchange WEDNESDAY, December 17. Please send in a wrapped, gender neutral Christmas book. We will draw numbers and the children will pick out the book with the corresponding number. Books can come in any time between now and December 17.
The four’s class participates in the Star Democrat’s yearly Christmas fundraising. The money collected helps needy Talbot county residents for Christmas. Children bring in donations . We will collect donations starting tomorrow and collect daily through Wednesday, December 17. The paper will come to collect money and take our picture and publish it in a paper. I will send home a past article from the paper tomorrow .Any questions please ask.
7) Christmas break Thursday, December 19- Thursday, January 2. Back to school Monday, January 6.

On behalf of the St. Mark’s staff, we hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for 💕🦃. We are certainly thankful for all of you!
See you tomorrow,
Colleen Tipton

November 11-14
Good afternoon/ happy waterfowl!! I’m thankful we had good weather this weekend.🦆

We DO have school tomorrow, November 11

We spent last week making leaf collages, blowing leaves pictures, our November handprints and feathered turkeys. We will make sycamore leaf prints, learn about owls, make an owl, paint an acorn and letter F this week- feathered fish.🐠

REMINDER: no school November 25-29: Thanksgiving break.🦃

FESTIVAL OF TREES Monday December 2. Children must be transported to the event by a parent/ grandparent.🎄

Enjoy your evening, see you tomorrow,
Colleen Tipton

November 4-7
Good afternoon and welcome November!🦃 I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weekend. The children looked SPOOKTACULAR in their costumes! I hope your family had fun trick or treating.🎃


Now would be a good time to change out your child’s extra set of clothes due to cooler weather on its way ( and here to stay).

I will be starting assessments this week. A “ sign up genius “ will be set up next week for conferences. Times will be 8:15- 8:30 AM and 8:30- 8:45 AM. Please let me know if those times will not work for you and arrangements will be made.

We will practice our cutting skills tomorrow by cutting out a brown circle for a feathered turkey. We’ll also make a couple of crafts this week using the beautiful leaves outside.🍂

It looks like it is going to be a beautiful weekend for the Waterfowl Festival, I hope you enjoy it all.
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning,
Colleen Tipton

October 21-24
Good afternoon! What another beautiful weekend!!

We had the perfect day for our pumpkin patch trip! I think the children enjoyed the day immensely!🎃 Thank you for coming!

We will talk about “ what’s inside a pumpkin “ and even take a look inside! We also continue making spooky crafts and cover letter E.

I will be out Thursday and Monday. Sarah will be filling in. Kristin Schindler, our 2s lead teachers will fill in Monday afternoon.

L👀king ahead-
- FESTIVAL OF TREES visit MONDAY, DECEMBER 2. This takes place at the Tidewater inn. Please pick up your child at 11:45. Parent cost is 10.00; children’s cost is covered by the preschool. 
- NO SCHOOL NOVEMBER 5 ; Election Day 

Please send in a large bag by Thursday. We will put all of your child’s artwork in it.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!🎃

Colleen Tipton

October 14-17

Good afternoon! What a beautiful weekend!🌞

I’ve had some questions regarding tomorrow- WE WILL HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW even though it’s Columbus Day.

No school TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5- Election Day.

Could you please label and separate SNACK? Mrs. Lavezzo and I have a little trouble differentiating what is to be snack apart from lunch. Most of you are already doing this and it’s much appreciated. It makes it easier. Thank you in advance. 😊

Cereal box by WEDNESDAY instead please.

Book orders placed by THURSDAY.

Pumpkin patch visit THURSDAY. Please return your permission slip. All information is on this, please keep the top half. I will take a class picture once everyone is there and before we get started with the tour.

The children really enjoyed the fire truck visit! They were able to walk through the truck and even got a chance to squirt the big fire hose!🚒

We learned letter C and made “cotton cars”. We also made spider webs and learned some great facts about spiders 🕷️!
They have 8 legs and 8 eyes, they smell and taste through tiny holes in their legs! A Goliath spider is as big as a dinner plate and can eat a bird! Wolf spiders carry their babies on their backs!👀

We will make “ wacky witches”this week along with letter D- dotted dinosaur 🦕.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow,
Colleen Tipton

October 7-10

Good afternoon!! What a beautiful weekend!
I hope you all have had the opportunity to visit our new classrooms! The children have adapted very well. It’s nice to be back home 😊. The drop off line is going well too!
The children had fun making our “not so” spooky skeletons. They did a really great job of cutting out their Jack- o -lantern shapes!🎃Pictures on our Facebook page.
This week is fire safety week. We will make a fire truck and be junior fire chiefs. An actual firefighter and fire truck will visit Tuesday morning!! 🚒
We will also learn letter C, cotton car. We’ll finish up with making spider webs and learning some fun facts about spiders 🕷️.
Please send in an EMPTY CEREAL BOX by next Wednesday the 16th. We need a box for a craft. 
Pumpkin patch visit NEXT THURSDAY 10/17. Family Affair farm located on Rabbit Hill Road in Cordova. More details to come…

Book orders due 10/17.
Have a restful evening, see everyone tomorrow morning.
Colleen Tipton

September 23-25
Good evening! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

REMINDER: NO SCHOOL THURSDAY 9/26. We will be moving back into our newly renovated classrooms!🎉

The children did a great job of coloring in their body tracings. I will hang them up after our move. We also made our September handprints and decorated our mirrors with buttons.

This week will be APPLE WEEK. We will start by learning letter A- apple with acorn followed by making apple prints. We’ll talk about how apples grow and what different colors they are and what can be made from apples. I even have an apple treat we can share.

I will send home a homework paper corresponding with our letter of the week. Please complete and send back in. The worksheets are optional but I like to hang them up with the corresponding craft. We’ll learn letter sign language too!

We had so much fun with music this week! The children really loved it! Our first chapel class will start tomorrow with Miss Wendy and continue every Monday.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow 😊

Colleen Tipton

September 16-19
Good evening! I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend. 

We had a great first week of school together! The children are settling into our routine and schedule.

The children did a great job with decorating their handprints, friendship quilt and tracing their names on their painted pencils.😊

We will talk “ all about me “ this week. We will decorate a mirror and do body tracings. The children will color them in. 

Music with Miss Heather will start Wednesday. Chapel with Miss Wendy will start next Monday.

Please send in your family pictures by Tuesday.

Remember to place your book order on line if interested.

We hope to be in our classroom by the end of the month 🤞🏻

We do have a student with a seafood and egg allergy. The egg allergy is not severe. They can have food with eggs in it ( cupcakes etc). We did have a student who brought sushi occasionally for lunch last year so please no sushi or hard boiled eggs/ egg salad. Thank you for your support.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning,
Colleen Tipton

September 9-12, 2024
Good evening!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend. It was such a pleasure meeting with all you and your wonderful children last Wednesday. We really had a great first day Thursday. We talked about school rules, our daily activities and where our toys live.😊

Our theme this week and part of next will be “all about me”. We will read “ the kissing hand” tomorrow and make a hand print. We will also sponge paint a pencil and write our names on them, make a mirror and a “ friendship quilt “throughout the week . We’ll be water coloring Wednesday. The children will paint a house. These will be sent home Thursday for you to put a family photo on. Please return them by next Monday, 9/16. These will hang in our classroom for the rest of the year so the children can see their family all year long. You are welcome to include grandparents, pets etc.

We will participate in Scholastic book club this year, of course it’s totally optional. Book orders will be sent home Thursday. Please place your order by Thursday, September 19.

We are in school until 2:00 Mondays and Wednesdays. Please pack a snack and lunch. Remember water 💦.We dismiss at 12:00 Tuesdays and Thursdays. Some of you still need to bring in an extra set of clothes INCLUDING SHOES. Closed toed shoes are best for playing outside along with socks.

Please feel free to contact me for anything at any time. Mrs. Lavezzo and I are really looking forward to getting to know you and your wonderful children! Thank you for choosing St. Mark’s preschool- onward and upward 🤩
Colleen Tipton